It’s belt promotion time again students and family members – mark Thursday July 24th, Friday July 25th and Saturday July 26th down on your calendars! Times are shown on your promotion forms which can be downloaded using the links below:

  1. Tiger application form
  2. Junior Beginner application form
  3. Junior Intermediate application form
  4. Junior Advanced application form
  5. Adult application form

Please remember that your opinion of Master Gee’s Black Belt Academy is important to us and take the time to fill out the feedback section. We want to continuously improve our academy and all sincere feedback is much appreciated! You can also provide feedback online.

There is a new Leadership weapon for the summer: Escrima Sticks.

Escrima sticksEscrima is a traditional martial art of the Philippines that emphasizes weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives and other bladed weapons. The Filipino word “Escrima” originally comes the Spanish word for fencing (esgrima). Escrima sticks — also known as yantok — are the most basic and common weapon used.

You can purchase a pair of Escrima sticks from Miss Tasha at the front desk. The cost is $30/pair plus tax.

Reminder: All students must have their mouth guards in order to practice weapons.

In case you haven’t noticed, summer is finally here and that means it’s t-shirt season at Master Gee’s Black Belt Academy. Students are permitted to wear any official Master Gee’s t-shirt to class. If you don’t have a t-shirt yet, you can purchase one from Miss Tasha at the front desk. White t-shirts are $10 plus tax and black ones are $20 plus tax.

Please remember to always bring your uniform top with you to class as you may need it during self defense instruction. Also, t-shirts must always be tucked in and belted for all classes. Full uniform is required for belt promotion.


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