Celebrate the holidays with your friends at the dojo! For 32 years, Master Gee’s has hosted our Christmas potluck.  We would be honored to have you come and join the Gee family & our staff to share in this fun evening.

Master Gee’s Christmas Potluck
Saturday, December 14th, 2013
Time:  6:00 pm at the dojo

All students and families are welcome. Simply bring a dish to share and come celebrate with us. There will be crafts for the children as well as the presentation of the Student/Family of the Year award. Please sign up at the reception desk.  We’d love to see you there!

Don’t forget! Master Gee’s Black Belt Academy will be closed from Wednesday, November 13 through Saturday, November 16. Our staff will be heading to Washington, DC to attend the annual EFC Martial Arts Convention.

We will be open on Monday (Remembrance Day) and Tuesday, November 11 & 12.

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