Interested in participating in this summer’s demo team?

Interested in participating in this summer’s demo team?

We have, once again, been invited to perform in our community at two venues in August:

  1. the annual Burnaby North Community Fair at Kensington Park on Saturday, August 10th (daytime), and
  2. the Willingdon Community Fair on Thursday, August 15th (late afternoon, early evening).

Demo Team 2012

If interested, please make sure you are:

  1. in one of the following groups:
    • Tiger Elite
    • Junior Leadership
    • Teens and Adults Leadership
    • Black Belts
  2. available for both demonstrations, and
  3. able to attend the demo practices.

The first practice will be the end of next week. (Note that there will be a minimum of one practice per week for the first couple of weeks, then additional practices throughout the week getting closer to the demo dates.)

Please sign up only if you are serious and can meet the above criteria.

Thank you.

Mrs. Gee

PS: If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me personally.

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